Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Years Resolutions

In 2012 I hope to learn what it means to:
-Be productive throughout my day

Exercise Self-Control

-Exercise PERIOD!
 -Budget my money
Lately I've been battling with myself on every one of those things >>
And I would just really like to master those weaknesses..
You know like, less computer time, more take care of what needs to be taken care of time..(like right now).
Sticking to a daily exercise routine..
And budgeting..oh budgeting.  I have bad spending habits I've realized.  It's a problem.
And it all goes back to self-control.  I don't have much of that..and especially lately.  So seriously, some major goals for myself are being set for this new year.  If anyone has mastered any of these weaknesses..your advice is very appreciated. Ha. Teach me your tricks.


Cade and I are SO excited to head to Boise in a couple days and spend New Years there.  I can't think of a better way to bring in the new year!  We can't wait to see our friends and family!  I'm already thinking about how hard it will be to leave Boise for Utah in a week.  I might throw a small fit.  It's very possible.  I shouldn't think about that part yet though..  And plus---we're moving back to Boise two months after visiting, so I should be ok. :)  

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