Monday, November 28, 2011

Our first client- Lupe Ballesteros :)

Congratulations and thank you to my friend Lupe for taking such a huge step towards living a healthier life by letting Cade and I coach her on the Take Shape for Life weight loss program.

Our first client.  We are excited.

Yesterday we put in her first months order and I am hoping the product will arrive to her and start her by December 1st
December 4th.  (-So that Lupe can have one last splurge for her Birthday (December 3rd) ).

YES...starting her in December....are we crazy? :)

 Dear FAMILY, friends & co-workers of Lupe----I give you permission to eat any sort of tempting yummy Christmas goodies that come her way. :)  You are my eyes and my support for her when I can't be there.   She'll do great though!  Updates and progress to come...  And thank you Lupe for letting me talk about you and share your progress.

A little bit about Take Shape for Life... Established by Dr. Andersen ten years ago.  It is the coaching arm of Medifast- which has been a proven weight loss product since 1980- recommended by over 20,000 doctors and tested and used at Johns Hopkins in their weight control and obesity clinic.  TSFL is not a diet but is a way to achieving optimal health.  Compared to all those other diets out there--this is where you will get the best results.  The product costs less, is lower in calories, higher in mineral/vitamins & has a plan in place that will set you up for a successful journey to achieving optimal health.

My Dad lost 60 lbs in 5 months, dropped many of his medications, sleeps better and has felt so great since being on the program one year ago.  Let me know if you want more details.  I can send you an 8 minute video about the program and some more information.
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