Friday, January 25, 2013

The Latest

Oh how much I love this girl.  The other night I rocked her in my arms and just squeezed her.  I am sad that she is growing so fast.  My little baby is not always going to be so little and that is a sad thing.  So that night I just took it all in and loved every minute of it.  Of course, growing does have some positives I hear, like growing out of colic.  That's a plus, for sure.  But the little sweetness, there's just nothing like it.

She is a little over three months now.  Doing so great in a lot of ways!  A couple weeks ago she rolled over for the first time and has done it a few more times since.  In the same week she was trying to sit up.  She really wants to sit up and tries and tries, I've said before, she's determined!  She's smiley and giggly and I can't get enough.  She's still fussy britches quite often.  Demanding and needy.  Doesn't want to be put down and don't you dare leave the room.  She is sassy and difficult.  But she is sweet too and loving and funny and all around precious.  Lately I am especially enjoying the fact that she doesn't wake up screaming anymore.  Those were rough rough mornings!  Her colic isn't over but little by little she is growing out of certain colicky habits.  She's so fun and I just can't believe how much I enjoy her.  (Most days...most times). Ha. Come on, I'd be lying if I said she was heaven on earth all. the. time.

Just rolled over

Nap time.  Not sleeping.  She gets gassy when she's suppose to be sleeping, a lot.  Drives me nuts.  So I rubbed her belly a little bit and then snapped a couple cute pictures.  Awww, I just think she's cute.

Bath time- smiling at daddy

Dog wants Aleah to play with her.  I kind of think it's cute. I don't know what Aleah thinks.  Maybe she's just happy the dog knows which toys are hers and which are Aleahs.  Oh, wait, that's me.  Good dog.

She loves this bear.  Thank you teddy for being her little friend when she is sad and helping her to fall asleep when I can't.

Aleah's first high school basketball game.  With Grandma Vickie, Aunt Autumn, Uncle Cory and cousin Kallee. 


  1. Ummm she is cute. You guys made a freaking cute baby. I especially like the pictures of her with her bear. Too sweet! I need to call you so you can answer all my baby girl questions.

  2. dude.. i just updated myself on your blog... like... since the christmas post... your welcome ;)
    Your little Aleah is so so cute!! her eyes just pop out!! And man she already has such a strong personality it sounds like hahah i love it! My rivers and her are complete opposites. Sounds like you're doin good though! keep hangin in there with the colic... it can only get better and better ;)
