Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Baby Bumpss

Oh look what I found!  Pregnant and we didn't even know it.
Last night- 37 Week Together Shot
Last night Cade and I went out to dinner with the Petersons.  It was a good time.  Love getting together with them.  Briceida and I are both in our 37th week of pregnancy this week.  So fun having one of your closest friends pregnant with you.  No, this was not planned.  :)Silly heads.  Very ironic and awesome..but totally not planned.  At all.  In any way.  I mean, if Cade and I didn't have this planned, Briceida and I definitely didn't. ;) 
Almost right after finding out that I was pregnant I told Briceida, we talked and then she told me, "Well, I'm kind of late.."
Turns out, she was too!
Our due dates are just three days apart.

The other day at Briceida's shower, her sister-in-law asked if we had gotten a picture together yet.  We had one that my sister took at my shower, but besides that....I didn't think so.  And then...I remembered.  We so did.  We just both didn't know that we were pregnant at the time.  (See top picture.)
That picture was taken just before Cade and I had moved back from Utah.  We were in Boise visiting for the weekend and met up with James and Briceida for dinner at Carinos.  We took a picture...little did we know, we were both just barely expecting.  I suspected...but didn't know, and didn't bring up, "I totally think I'm pregnant" at dinner that night.  I know I wanted to...but couldn't figure out how that conversation would play out, since, I really had no evidence besides just a good feeling about it.

Kind of fun though, to have those two pictures now.    

And this is just a 37 week mirror shot


  1. awh you're so cute! I'm so excited for you two. Almost to the finish line :)

  2. Ah you are adorable! I cant wait to see this little girl! She is going to be so cute!
