Friday, August 19, 2011

Almost there and feeling ENERGIZED!

My whole life I have been a picky eater.  My eating mentality, "Green beans? Eh, that's ok, I'll eat some Cheetos." 
My Mom always seemed more concerned about my eating habits than my siblings, "Breanna.  Eat your meat!"

So, I got married and hello slowed metabolism!  I gained a good 20 lbs in one year.  (Ok, I will admit, I was a bit underweight before getting married due to a bit of stress, that's a story for another day). comfortable weight was 7-10lbs lighter than I have been.  Not only did I want to lose the extra 7 lbs that I gained recently but mostly I just wanted to be heatlhy.  I always have wanted to be healthy, but man, have you seen the things that come up when google-ing recipes for healthy food??

What is that? ------------------------>

I am determined to one day hold a Healthy Foods recipe book in my hands, and non of the pictures will look like this.  It will taste good and be great for me! 

Until then....I have really enjoyed the Medifast product.  I have been on it to:
1. Lose 7 lbs
2. Begin a journey to better eating
3. To understand what my clients are feeling

And guess what!  I only have 1.5 lbs left to lose until I am at my "Goal Weight".  SWEEET.  Let me remind you, I have only been on it since....Monday the 8th.  In a little less than 2 weeks I have lost 6 lbs.  (5.5 to be exact).  The biggest thing I have noticed, besides my belly fat gone, is the energy that I have.  I have always been an easily fatigued person.  Lately I have been waking up at 7 AM and going to bed at 10:30 PM, all because I just have amazing energy.

I've been reading Dr. Andersen's Habits of Health book and I am so excited about the chapter I am at right now.  It sounds nerdy, but if you have always wanted to understand what the heck "Fructose", "Processed", "Organic" means, and what the healthiest veggies, meats and fruits would love it too.  After I hit my goal weight (should be by Sunday) I am excited to go shopping and start my transition phase.  I am understanding it all now.  It's awesome.
So today and yesterday I spent just a few ours at the Davis County Fair.  
My Dad has a booth there for Take Shape for Life.  
It's been great observing and learning.  These are a few pictures from the event! 


  1. Girl! I am SOO interested in this. I am really motivated to lose the weight and to work out, but hate doing it alone and don't like going to the gym.

  2. so i am totally blog stalking and read this. my aunt and cousin did this with great success too! and my mom does it off and on. Its great I hear :) good for you! and your dad!

  3. Thanks Michelle! And it's good to hear that other people have found good results with it. It's a neat program!
