Thursday, March 22, 2012

October On My Mind

October is my favorite month.  I love the colors, the smell, the cool temperatures and the fact that the Holidays are right around the corner.  For those reasons and more I've always loved October.

I haven't ever been huge into Halloween or dressing up---example:

Steph dressed up and meee..not.

BUT I'm looking forward to it this year.

 Look at these CUTE "costumes".
 So cute and fun.  I guess I need to learn how to crochet or knit, whichever it is, and I have about 7 months to master it.  Ha.  IF I really were to make one of these costumes though, I'd have to probably make it especially tiny since OUR baby is expected to come only about a week & a half before Halloween.  October 19th to be exact.  Not a lot of time to grow into a costume. 

Soo, surprise!  Cade is pregnant.  Ok, I'm pregnant :) but Cade is right there beside me with sympathy pains and all!  We're so excited and I love October even more now.
Here is our little parasite..Isn't it cute?

(Ok, so the lady bug and winnie the pooh aren't Halloween Costumes, more like newborn photoshoot props...but you get the dress up idea!:))